Lifestyle Roll is about having fun and living your best life! It’s a lifestyle site covering interesting people and ideas, entrepreneurship, side hustles, lifestyle design, food, travel, entertainment, design, interiors, style, fashion, relationships, personal development, and more.
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Kirsten Lowe

Kirsten Lowe
Kirsten Lowe is a Sydney-based writer and designer and is the founder of Lifestyle Roll.
She has also written research reports and articles in the architecture and retail sector, designed websites and databases, and run events. She also ran her own label making and selling handcrafted bags, accessories and cards at local artisan markets and on Etsy.
Kirsten holds a Masters of Digital Design, Grad. Dip. in Information Management, and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) with a double major in Human and Environmental Geography.
Kirsten loves travelling and exploring new cities, and finding new places and foods to try. She also enjoys her matcha lattes and melon pans, pistachio gelato and watching heaps of creative and random stuff on YouTube.